The industrial ball valve market abounds with a myriad of standard application valves. As the industry moves forward, modern manufacturers have responded to price competition by reducing wall thickness and quality of raw materials – to the detriment of the product.
Sesto Valves midrange ball valves stand out from the competition with true B16.34 wall thickness, precision machining and high quality gaskets. No corners were cut in design. Our valves are heavier because we use more material, even jumping to a 6-bolt design at lower diameters to ensure proper safety factors.

Need information on how to get our products? Send us an inquiry!

M22 Series | 2-Pc Seal-Weld
2000 WOG (Class 800)
- 2000 WOG (Class 800)
- Size Range 1/4” thru 2” Full Bore
- ISO 5211 Direct Mount Pad
- Body Wall Thickness ASME B16.34
- End Connections: NPT
- Fugitive Emissions ISO 15848
- Firesafe Tested API 607
- Anti-Static Device and Live-Loaded Packing
- Blowout Proof, Low Torque Guided Stem Design
- Manual, Electric, Pneumatic Operators
- Globally Certified and Approved
Sales Literature
Technical Resources

M32 Series | 3-Pc
2000 WOG (Class 800)
- 2000 WOG (Class 800)
- Size Range 1/4” thru 3” Full Bore
- ISO 5211 Direct Mount Pad
- Body Wall Thickness ASME B16.34
- End Connections: NPT, SW, BW, RF, Special
- Fugitive Emissions ISO 15848
- Firesafe Tested API 607
- Anti-Static Device and Live-Loaded Packing
- Center Body Swing-Out Design
- Blowout Proof, Low Torque Guided Stem Design
- Wide Range of Soft and Metal Seated Options
- Manual, Electric, Pneumatic Operators
- Globally Certified and Approved
Sales Literature
Technical Resources

M15F & M30F Series | 2-Pc
Flanged Class 150 & 300
- Class 150 & Class 300
- Size Range 1/2” thru 8” Full Bore
- M15F – ISO 5211 Direct Mount Pad
- M30F – ISO 5211 Mount
- Body Wall Thickness ASME B16.34
- End Connections: RF Flanged
- Fugitive Emissions ISO 15848
- Firesafe Tested API 607
- Anti-Static Device and Live-Loaded Packing
- Blowout Proof, Low Torque Guided Stem Design
- Wide Range of Soft and Metal Seated Options
- Manual, Electric, Pneumatic Operators
- Globally Certified and Approved
Sales Literature
Technical Resources

MU1F Series | Unibody
Flanged Class 150
- Class 150
- Size Range 1/2” thru 4” Reduced Bore
- ISO 5211 Mount Pad
- Body Material CF8M, WCB
- Body Wall Thickness ASME B16.34
- End Connections: RF Flanged
- Fugitive Emissions ISO 15848
- Anti-Static Device and Live-Loaded Packing
- Blowout Proof, Low Torque Guided Stem Design
- Manual, Electric, Pneumatic Operators
Sales Literature
Technical Resources

MV1F Series | Segmented
Flanged Class 150
- Class 150
- Size Range 1” thru 16”
- ISO 5211 Mount Pad
- Body Material CF8M, WCB
- Body Wall Thickness ASME B16.34
- End Connections: RF Flanged
- Anti-Static Device and Live-Loaded Packing
- Blowout Proof, Low Torque Guided Stem Design
- Manual, Electric, Pneumatic Operators
- Soft & Metal Seated Available
Sales Literature
Technical Resources

MM1F Series | Multiport
Flanged Class 150
- Class 150 Size
- Range 1/2” thru 12” Full Bore
- ISO 5211 Direct Mount Pad (Up to 4”)
- Body Material CF8M, WCB
- Body Wall Thickness ASME B16.34
- End Connections: RF Flanged
- Anti-Static Device and Live-Loaded Packing
- Blowout Proof, Low Torque Guided Stem Design
- Manual, Electric, Pneumatic Operators