Back in 1999, Max-Air Technology entered the market with rack and pinion actuators featuring a unique, patented design. Today, Max-Air’s core product line-up builds on this proven design with the most extensive rack and pinion actuator offering in the world. Alternate housing and seal materials, finishes, coatings, 90° through 180° rotations, and industry best +/-10° travel stops ensure that Max-Air offers the perfect solution.

Need information on how to get our products? Send us an inquiry!

MT Series Aluminum
MT Series rack & pinion pneumatic actuators continue the Max-Air tradition of easy integration, flexible customization, and reliable operation. Features include two ISO bolt circle patterns drilled directly in the body, NAMUR standard mounting for accessories, and our patented ±10° adjustment for the open/closed positions, all backed by the best unlimited cycle life warranty.
Try Our Proprietary LockMesh® Coating!
LockMesh® has been shown to provide a cost effective compromise. It provides the chemical resistance of PTFE along with the durability of a stainless steel base layer. Click here for more info!

UT Series Flanged Aluminum
(Replaced by the MT Series above.)
The UT Series rack & pinion actuators are the original Max-Air innovation featuring a removable flange for easy valve integration, flexible customization, and reliable operation. The UT Series has been replaced by the MT Series above, except for when alternative mounting is required. The series has all the same great features of the MT Series, including NAMUR standard mounting for accessories, and our patented ±10° adjustment for both the open and closed positions, all backed by the best unlimited cycle life warranty.
Sales Literature
For ISO mounting, see replacement MT Series above.
Technical Resources

SS Series Stainless Steel
SS Series actuators take corrosion resistance to the extreme with all of the great engineering features that separate Max-Air from the competition. Our stainless steel actuators conform to the ISO standard which makes valve automation easy and cost effective. Max-Air Technology’s dual patented travel stops allow up to 110° of stroke in a 90° actuator, providing exceptional positioning adjustment.
Sales Literature
Technical Resources

UT 180° Actuators Aluminum
UT 180° actuators offer an extended range of rotation beyond 90° quarter turn applications. Double acting actuators can be ordered in custom lengths between 120° and 180°, or extended travel stops can be used on the stock 180° actuator to adjust travel anywhere between 0° and 180°. Spring return actuators are available in a standard configuration (0°-180° travel, spring return to one end) or in “center return” configuration (0° ± 90° travel, spring return to the center). UT 180° actuators offer the same patented dual travel stop design (excluding 3 Position DA) w/ extended travel stop options and multiple mounting options for the ultimate flexibility.
Sales Literature
Technical Resources

UT Series Technopolymer
The Max-Air line of technopolymer actuators are designed to withstand the most extreme environments (Hydrocarbons, Organic Solvents, and Fuels). Available in three sizes, your applications requiring plastics and corrosion resistance are covered with up to 500 in-lbs of torque (Double–Acting).
Sales Literature
Technical Resources

Specialty Coatings
Max-Air Technology offers a wide range of high performance coatings for process critical applications, which have been carefully designed for environments where pneumatically automated valves are exposed to extremely corrosive environments; examples include salt air, caustic wash down, acid production and handling, and various submerged services, to name a few. While offering standard coating options for alternative materials and coatings, Max-Air has also worked extensively with material scientists to develop advanced coatings to extend the range of available options. These coating options are incredibly effective when considering the total cost of ownership, safety, and the overall weight challenges of complete stainless steel solutions. *Note: Some coatings FDA approved. Please call factory for information.