Max-Air Technology is pleased to announce their new MT Series rotary pneumatic actuators. This new series maintains all of the same features and benefits of the UT Series except that the removable flange on the bottom of the UT Series has been removed. Max-Air Technology has always sought new ways to improve its products, and this new generation of product has already been enthusiastically accepted during our 2010 initial marketing introduction process.
This new generation eliminates all crevices and areas that have the potential to collect debris and/or accelerate corrosion in caustic washdown or other corrosive environments, while at the same time maintaining superior flexibility in design and providing the BEST WARRANTY IN THE INDUSTRY. This new flangeless design has become the new standard upon which Max-Air will introduce a new full line of 316 SS mirror-polished pneumatic actuators, as well as further adding additional sizes to our existing comprehensive range. For example, Max-Air will soon introduce a mini-size actuator, both in 90° and 180° rotations, specifically designed for the instrumentation valve industry.
Features & Benefits
Compact Design Rugged Tooth Design
All Stainless Steel Fasteners
NAMUR Mounting
High Visibility Beacon
Honed Bore for High Cycles
+/- 10˚ Travel Stops
High Cycle Life Wear Pads
100% Quality Tested
Multiple Output Shafts
Pre-Loaded Spring Cartridges
Serial Number Traceability
High Cycle Bearings
Alternative Operating Media
BEST Industry Warranty