
New Year’s Letter from President/CEO

By January 4, 2021 March 2nd, 2022 No Comments

For so many around the world, 2020 has been the one of the most difficult years in recent memory. It causes me to pause and think about my Grandparents and Great-Grandparents, and the challenges they had to endure facing a pandemic and two world wars.

It is a good time for personal reflection and to be thankful for all the wonderful people around the world that are working tirelessly to defeat COVID-19, and all the others that are working hard to keep our country functioning.

The current economic downturn, the personal isolation, and for some, the loss of loved ones reminds us of the fragile state of our world. It is in this reflective spirit, with hearts filled with hope, that all of us at Max-Air Technology wish you and yours a Very Happy New Year.

We are more aware than ever, that our company depends on the faithful partnership of our customers. We appreciate your business. We appreciate you choosing us.

Max-Air will continue to work hard to earn the trust of your business as another year is dawning.

Jeffrey S. Ellebrecht, President & CEO

Max-Air Technology, Inc. | North American Operations

Max-Air Technology

Author Max-Air Technology

Max-Air Technology is the worldwide leader in automation technology and process control products; we design automation technologies that provide competitive advantages. For more than 15 years, we have engineered improvements, added flexibility and interchangeability to our products to provide customers with The Best Way to Automate Their Process.

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