MT26.DA.F05-F07.CH17 double-acting actuator equipped with PEY02 positioner & lock-up valve. The PEY02 positioner I/P converts a 4-20mA input signal to a controlled air supply output, diverting air to either the right or left ports of the actuator as needed to achieve the desired position. The PEY02 also includes internal limit switches for open/close feedback. The lock-up valve is mounted in-line with the air supply and is triggered to shutoff upon loss of air. If supply air drops below the set pressure the lock-up valves shuts off all incoming and outgoing air to the actuator, locking it in position to “fail-freeze”. The MAFRL1N14 indoor air filter/regulator with gauge ensures a clean, filtered and pressure regulated air supply to the positioner for optimal performance. Stainless steel tubing & fittings complete this fully assembled & integrated package, ready for valve mounting.