Industry Leading 3-Year Limited Warranty
3-Year Limited Warranty
Effective July 1st, 2023
Warranty: Max-Air Technology provides the following warranty regarding its products. THE WARRANTY STATED HEREIN IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Max-Air Technology warrants its products shall be delivered free from defects in materials and workmanship when these products are used for the purpose for which they were designed and manufactured. Max-Air Technology does not warrant its products against chemical or stress corrosion or against any other failure other than from defects in materials or workmanship. The applicable warranty period is dependent on the clearly identified brand labeling.
The warranty period for Max-Air, Max-Electric, Delta T, and Sesto Valves brand labeled products is for thirty-six (36) months from the delivery date to the Purchaser.
Any claims regarding this warranty must be in writing and received by Max-Air Technology before the last effective date of the warranty period, failing which this warranty shall expire. Upon Max-Air Technology’s receipt of a warranty claim, Max-Air Technology reserves the right to inspect the product(s) in question at either the field location or at Max-Air Technology manufacturing plant. If, after inspection of the product(s) in question, Max-Air Technology determines that the Purchaser’s claim is covered by this warranty, Max-Air Technology’s sole liability and the Purchaser’s sole remedy under this warranty is limited to the refunding of the purchase price or repair or replacement thereof at Max-Air Technology’s option. Warranty repair, replacement or re-performance by Seller shall not extend or renew the applicable warranty period. Max-Air Technology will not be liable for any repairs, labor, material or other expenses that are not specifically authorized in writing by Max-Air Technology, and in no event shall Max-Air Technology be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential damages arising out of any defect from any cause whatsoever. If any Max-Air Technology product is modified or altered at any location other than Max-Air Technology – Wentzville (Missouri) or Max-Air Technology – Agrate Brianza (MB) ITALY without the express written authorization of Max-Air Technology, it is expressly not covered by this warranty. The warranties and remedies are conditioned upon (a) proper storage, installation, use, operation, and maintenance of products, (b) Purchaser keeping accurate and complete records of operation and maintenance during the warranty period and providing Max-Air Technology access to those records, and (c) modification or repair of products only as authorized by Max-Air Technology in writing. Failure to meet any such conditions renders the warranty null and void. Max-Air Technology is not responsible for normal wear and tear. The warranty for such products shall be subject only to the warranty relief, if any, provided by the suppliers and/or manufacturers of such products.
(Revised 06/07/2023)